NV Coalition Against the Death Penalty

Join our friends at Nevada Coalition of Legal Services in pursuit of justice for those impacted by COVID.

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COVID-19 has hit LasVegas much harder than most of the country. Almost 1/8th of our renters are facing possible eviction. To avoid tens of thousands of people being forced out on the street, the Nevada Supreme Court is considering rules to create an eviction mediation program.

The hope is to prevent and settle eviction matters during this crisis through alternate dispute resolution that ideally assists folks with rental assistance and unemployment backlog issues. The Governor has committed $2 million to the administration of the mediation program, and $10 million in rental assistance in addition to integrating the existing rental assistance programs. 

We at the Nevada Coalition Against the Death Penalty, pursue a more equitable legal system. We recognize the insidious impacts poverty has in over sentencing within the criminal legal system and stand in solidarity with our state’s most vulnerable as they wrestle with the impacts of the pandemic. Join our partners NOW to urge the  Nevada Supreme Court to create a meditation framework. 

The Supreme Court is having a hearing on how to create this program on September 22nd at 10 am. There are currently two drafts before the Court: Exhibit A that we support (we’ll be providing additional logistical suggestions but it gets at the heart of substance and access), and Exhibit B that will really moot the mediation program altogether. The primary difference between the two is that in version A, all tenants will have an opportunity to elect mediation prior to an eviction hearing. In Exhibit B, the tenants must prove and qualify that they should really get mediation, landlords have to opt-in, and if you’ve applied for rental assistance (whether it’s been granted or denied) you’re disqualified. There’s so much more value to mediation than just rental assistance, although that is huge and all tenants should have equal access to this route to assistance. 

A written comment must be submitted by September 16th at 5 pm to nvscclerk@nvcourts.nv.gov

If you want to have your voice heard follow the steps below.

  1. Copy the italicized Text below

 I would like to provide public comment in regards to the hearing on eviction moratoriums in support of Exhibit A. Eviction Mediation is essential during this difficult time that has hit tenants and landlords particularly hard. Eviction mediation benefits everyone. Tenants who are able to remain in their homes and rebuild their lives post-pandemic benefit and landlords who are able to maintain tenants and receive backpay will face less of a backlash in a suffering economy. This program is ultimately a win-win for everyone involved. Please support Exhibit A and eviction mediations. 

2) Create a email to nvscclerk@nvcourts.nv.gov

3) Paste the copied text into the email body.

4) In the subject line write/copy and paste the following text : Eviction Mediation Public Comment

5) Make sure to put your Full name, Address and Phone number at the bottom of the text.

6) Once its filled in submit your email to the Supreme Court

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